A Community Developer - 2020 Public Summary

Completed on August 13, 2020

A student at the University of Alberta studying Modern Languages and Cultures. While working for FACTSnet she acted as team leader for Soul Care and mainly worked on the soul care devotions.

For the first half of my work term I worked primarily on Soul Care projects such as the John Study and 40 days with Jesus devotionals and leading Alpha. I also started to go through the Alberta/Japan blog and see what needed editing.

During the second half of my job I continued working on projects mainly relating to Soul care as a networker developer. This included creating and updating soul care admin and project documents, and continuing devotionals. I also continued as a supervisor and was in charge of checking employee’s reporting. I continued as team leader to the soul care team along with co-leading alpha group discussions. Aside from Soul Care I have also done a little more with Career and Personal development assignments.

For Soul care, I was in charge of creating and updating the Soul care admin docs as team leader. This included two master docs (one for FACTSnet and one for public) a planning doc, and a progress report which I updated on a weekly basis. On top of these docs I also wrote two Soul care midterm reports to document what has been completed in Soul care and what still needed to be completed. I also made a Soul Care working doc for the blog and it still needs to be edited.

For Soul Care projects I edited the Church cut and paste doc and then walked the team through it and handed it off to them to finish. I made the Soul care annotated index doc but it has not been completed yet and needs to have an introduction added and edits need to be done to some of the bibliographies for them to be publishable. I have started the Soul Care introduction but it is not also not finished yet.  I made and started writing the 40 days with Jesus annotations but they still need to be completed as well. As for devotions I have been working on the John Study and 40 days with Jesus but I have not completed them and will complete them through volunteer hours. I made a document with combined questions from both the John Study and the 40 days with Jesus devotional that will need to be added to the Beta/Theta working doc as well.

As leader to Soul Care I had to lead meetings and assign tasks to team members. Through this I learned to talk through the discomfort as I did not start out a strong leader. However, I learned very quickly to leave space and especially ask team members if they have questions and to use your own judgement when it comes to answering them. One thing I could’ve done better is communicate with my team more often, even just by email, to make sure I knew what everyone was doing as I found I often wasn’t aware of what other soul care projects team members were assigned.

As co-leader for Alpha, I pre-watched Alpha videos and made notes and then we had Alpha discussion meetings once a week on Thursday. The videos we covered during this term were numbers 6-10, along with  Holy spirit weekend videos. We have not finished discussing all the videos however, and I will be finishing it off with the rest of the group by volunteering.

Being a leader in Alpha I learned very suddenly that I would have to pray out loud. When it came to public prayer, I felt very uncomfortable and awkward praying at first and I wouldn't say I feel completely comfortable doing it yet. However, after doing it every week, I’m starting to develop the skill. Another thing I learned after watching the training videos is that I may have been talking too much in Alpha. Instead I need to get used to silence and let people open up when they are ready. However, again, I have learned to trust my own judgement when it comes to the context of the group as I found the more I spoke up the less awkward it was and once I started off the conversation others joined in.

For Career and Personal development I finished The Quick Book assignment and am working on the Handbook Assignment to be completed before the end of my work term. 

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